Sunday, November 18, 2007

Princess Pilolevu Tuita

We are with the Her Royal Highness following her third visit at the Nuku'alofa Tonga Temple open house. She said that her minister was really upset with her because she comes so often. She is so bright and talented that we joked with her that she could do the next tour and I think she would have loved to do it. She was so attentative and complimentary of everyone and everything . Her brother is the current king and he doesn't enjoy the love and respect that Princess Pilolovu receives from everyone. We became such good friends after 5 or 6 visits that said that most everyone calls her "Her Royal Highness" but she wants Elder and Sister Brown to call her Sister Tuita!

1 comment:

Vaoese Kava said...

Princess Pilolevu is a beautiful lady. I believe that her father warmed up to the love the Saints in Tonga had for him. Long live the Monarchy of Tonga and hope to see one of them join the church soon. It would only be to their and our benefit. Ofa atu!