Wednesday, December 19, 2007

John Key, Member of Parliament - National Party Leader

I'm pictured with Anthony Wilson (Public Affairs Director in New Zealand), Elder Condie, and John Key. We are in Hamilton where John was the VIP speaker who turned on the Christmas lights after a very nice Christmas program that was presented by local stake members. We visited with John and two other Members of Parliament for 45 minutes before the program. The National party (Conservative) is the heavy favorite to defeat the Labour party in next falls election and if so, John will become the Prime Minister. He is a very bright, capable and quality guy and could likely serve as the PM for multiple terms. He was an investment banker for Merrill Lynch in New Zealand, Sydney, London, and Singapore and has worked with the Federal Reserve Bank of NY and has completed management studies at Harvard. We are working to assure that he is a good friend of the Church in New Zealand.