Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Utah Jazz

Packer and his two best buddies, Will & Joseph, got to go to a Utah Jazz basketball game. The 3 boys were accompanied by their dads. It was "Junior Jazz Night", so each Junior Jazz player got 2 free tickets.

The highlight of the evening was when Packer, Will & Joseph got to go down on the floor and high five the players when they ran out onto the court. The Murdochs are good friends with the wife of one of the coaches, so they were able to make arrangements for the 3 boys to go down on the court to greet the players. So the boys stood there with all the coaches and Larry Miller and gave each of the players a high five as they came out for the game. It was VERY COOL. We've had several friends (that we didn't even know were at the game) come up to us and tell us that they saw Packer down on the floor at the game.

The only bummer is that we couldn't get any good pictures of the boys with the players, because they were surrounded by so many tall people.

We had a great time and the Jazz won!

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