Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Luncheon at Abergine Restaurant - 2007

All of the senior missionaries couldn't fit around one table, but we were seated with some special friends. Jan Malloy, dressed in red on the right, is not a missionary. She is employed as the secretary to the Director of Temporal Affairs. She is a former nun and her conversion story is included in Hartman Rector's book, "No More Strangers." The older couple next to Jan is the Roeuche's. He is the Executive Secretary to the Area Presidency. He has been a stake president, mission president, and temple president. They are in their mid 80s and they've been told that this will be their last mission. They have served in Europe and Hong Kong. The Turpins next to MelRae are wonderful people from Centerville. We drove three hours up north to watch them run in the half marathon last month. Both finished!


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