Monday, August 13, 2007

Jason goes to the temple

In early June mom, dad, Shayna and Jordan were able to go through the temple with Jason for the first time. We all went to the Provo Temple. It was a really neat experience. Since then we've gone to the Mt. Timpanogos temple and SL temple with him. And then he also got to go to the Laie, Hawaii temple when the family went the end of June. The temple is such a wonderful place. The SL temple is so beautiful and magnificent. I hope we all live good lives so that we can be worthy to go to the temple and to recieve the blessings from making those sacred covenants. Grandma and Grandpa, what an amazing opportunity you have to be apart of bringing the temple and temple blessings to the wonderful people of Tonga. "I love to see the temple!"

1 comment:

MelRae Brown said...

How wonderful it must have been to be in the Temple with Elder Jason Wardrop. He is such a fine young man who has set such a great example all his life. I still remember and rejoice of the day we went to the temple with you one year ago. There is no greater blessing then to be in the Temple with your family.

Our lives here are totally immersed in working with the people of Tonga and their Temple. They are so excited for Novemeber 4th when their temple will be rededicated by the Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley. What a joy that will be.

We love you. Grandma B.