Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Holly's Recovery

When I talked to most of you at the end of last week, I reported that Holly's recovery was going extremely well. She was feeling good and everything seemed fine.

Unfortunately, the second week of recovery has not been as rosey. I won't go into detail here on the blog, but the last 4 days have been reminisent of her recovery after Packer's birth (remember Holly in a wheel chair at Disney World...)

Everything is going to be ok and we are doing fine...it's just been a tough few days. Holly has been given good medication that appears to be working, and she is getting an ultra sound this afternoon. If the ultra sound looks good and the medication has done it's job, then hopefully we can avoid major procedures like we had to do after Packer was born.

We will keep you posted. There's no reason to be alarmed. Holly's mom has been extremely helpful (driving to our house in the middle of the night and staying with the kids). The ward/neighbors have also been very kind bringing in wonderful dinners and helping with the kids. Everything is going to be fine.

1 comment:

MelRae Brown said...

Holly we are so concerned about your health. We are praying for you. We are so thankful that wonderful Shauna is there to help. Please extend our love and thanks to her. We will call you today.
Love, Grandma