Friday, May 4, 2007

"Maestro" Engle Plays

Trey received a music scholarship to Blue Lakes Music camp this summer. He has been working hard to improve his technique on the violin. He seems to be making a break-through! We love to hear him practice! Did you read that Trey - Practice?!


Brown Family said...

Way to go Maestro! I googled the Blue Lakes Music Camp and it looks very cool and very impressive. I'm sure it will be alot of fun and great experience.

David Brown said...

Congratulations Trey!

Everytime I hear you play I'm reminded of our Assistant to the President in Boise, Elder Johnny Perry, who was a concert violinist. I remember that you were mesmorized as you watched and heard him play the very first time. He was a great protege.

David Brown said...

Trey - - - I meant that you were the protege and that Elder Perry was the Mentor/Tutor.

Suzi Naylor said...

That is so awesome! You have a wonderful talent and I am so impressed that you continue to expand it. Don't ever stop playing becuase this is a talent that you can utilize always. How long will you be at the camp? When do you go? GOodluck and have fun.

MelRae Brown said...

Trey: I am so excited to know that you are back excelling on your violin again. I remember when you were about 4 years old and you played a solo in your Sandy Ward. You wore a white suit and everyone was blown away. It was a glimpse of a genius. You have a great gift. Keep practing and have a great trip to the Blue Lakes Music Camp. Love, Grandma