Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Vacation to AZ

Jordan and I finished Winter semester last week and decided we needed a break from the drill of school. So we flew down to the land of the heat for a few days before we had to start up school again May 1st. Our first couple of days in AZ we spent on Jordan's little 12' aluminum fishing boat that his dad brought down from St. Johns. We all met at Lake Roosevelt and fished the day away. (Actually only Jordan and his dad handled the poles, lures, and fish. I just sat back and relaxed.) We camped that night and fished the next day. Jordan caught a 3lb bass, first cast of the day, which got our hopes up for a successful fishing trip. But disappointment set in when the only other bass caught the rest of the trip were two more by his dad. But, it's the memories that count. I mean who couldn't forget 12 hours in the sun in a little fishing boat that teeters everytime you move. We had a great time!

We also spent a few days at Jordan's sister's house in Queen Creek where we wrestled the nieces and nephews all weekend long. It was a relaxing and much needed break. Now we're back to the books. Our plans are that if we stay in school spring, summer, and fall semester we can graduate in December! Woo hoo!


Suzi Naylor said...

Shayna your trip sounds wonderful! You are very mature to realize already that it doesn't matter where you go...only who you are with & since you were with the best guy ever the trip was fabulous! As for me, a would rather not touch poles, bate, fish etc. either :) Goodluck with school. You guess can crank it out and then enjoy! I always loved spring & summer at the Y.

Brown Family said...

So did you eat the fish? Sounds like a relaxing trip before getting back into the grind of school. That's a great goal to graduate in December.

Thanks for posting pictures too! It's always fun to see pictures!

David Brown said...

Shayna and Jordan:

You guys are the perfect couple - even if one of you is an expert fisherman and the other doesn't even want to eat it.

A short break from school will energize you for the next six months and then the Big Degree.

Hang in there!

Shannon Engle said...

A trip to sunny Arizona sounds like the perfect solution to just about anything! I can't believe you are so close to finishing school! Wow! We love you guys!


MelRae Brown said...

Shayna and Jordan: You two are amazing! You will be able to graduate so quickly! I am stunned - well not really, because you two are such brainy people. And besides that you are adorable.

I love the pictures from AZ. Shayna, you must really love Jordan a whole lot, if you are willing to go fishing with him. We all know that boats are for waterskiing! Did you touch the fish? Did you eat the fish? You are indeed in love. And I am proud of you for showing that love in a way that involves fish. You are a better woman than I am. Love, Grandma